So this year, I decided I should make some New Year's Resolutions. I want to share my passion for reading and writing with the world, which is why number 1 on my list of resolutions is:
1) Start a blog. Done! I feel I'm off to a good start. This blog will be about books, plain and simple. The books I read, the books I want to read and what I think of them. This isn't a review blog, rather me chatting to myself (and, hopefully, others!) about what I liked and didn't like about all the (many) books I read. I will also occasionally post my writing on here as well (I write original fiction and fan-fiction), and also possibly book-inspired art and other things I love or find interesting.
2) Post regularly on the blog. I think I attempted to start a blog once before, but didn't post after about a month. For this blog, I want to post at least twice a week, hopefully forever!
3) Continue reading, even if it seems like there's no time. I'm currently studying for my A-Levels, and in September I'll be starting university. It'll be a busy year, but I want to remind myself that reading brings me joy and calms me down, and I need that more than ever in this stressful year. I want to read more this year than I did last year.
4) Write more. I love writing, but often feel that there's no time for it. Writing gets pushed aside in favour of other (probably more important) things. I want to start writing more of my original fiction (I have plans for two novels which I hope to get off the ground soon), and also more fan-fiction (be it one shots or longer pieces) to get the old creative juices flowing!
So those are my bookish resolutions. Let's see if I stick to them this year! I also have a few non-book related resolutions too:
5) Get fit and healthy. I want to get toned up a bit, and a bit healthier, for when I go to uni this year.
6) Start practising French and German again. I have GCSEs in both but since starting A-Levels I haven't really kept them up. I'd love to go to both countries sometime soon, so I hope to start my languages back up again.
7) Revise for at least an hour every day. I'm a sucker for procrastination, but I need to start focusing this year if I want to get the grades I need.
And that's it! You may sometimes see rants or healthy recipes and stuff on here to mix it up a bit, but the blog will be primarily to do with books (and possibly film/TV reviews). I hope you like it and keep reading, commenting and let's be friends!
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